PTAC – Personal Truth and Commitment
A Deeply Personal and Powerful Journey connecting you to your divine origin and destiny and giving you language and power which will fire your heart every day, give you patience and strength to deal with any adversity and keep you fired up and vibrant as you find and fill your highest purpose.
Your Power to create comes from two sources. First, it comes from your divine nature and gifts. Second, it comes from what you believe to be true. Your thoughts create your feelings and reality.
This discovery allowed me to connect directly with God to understand who I was. Then I was able to know “real truth” and declare it for myself.
This helped me eliminate the consequences of my damaging past and make a conscious choice about who I wished to be now. I was then able to make a life-changing commitment about my purpose and intention.
This is NOT a series of affirmations or dreams or hopes, but a firm declaration based on what I now KNEW to be true for me and what I was willing to completely commit my life to become.
As the power of this life-altering process became evident to myself and those around me, I began to get requests for assistance in creating this type of unshakable foundation for those I coached.
PTAC – Personal Truth and Commitment